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Be My Maid(s)?

This was one of the more difficult decisions I've had to make in the wedding planning thus far.

Getting married shortly after college makes this decision even harder because you seem to have so many friends. Because you do.

I'm talking about bridesmaids.

I had some trouble. It's is a good kind of trouble, though. I'm grateful for the "troubled" situation I've been put in.

Basically, I want to make everyone a bridesmaid.

I feel very fortunate to have such great relationships with so many friends. Close friends. Therefore, selecting bridesmaids was challenging. It took a little bit of stress, and a lot of thought.

That being said, I could not be more excited for the 8 lovely ladies I will have walking with me down the aisle!! One really neat thing my sister pointed out, too, is that each one represents a certain time/point in life. I didn't even plan it that way -promise! But it makes it even more special :)

For starters, let's go back to elementary school. I remember Ms. Stardavant's first grade class, and asking this girl to be my friend on the first day. It was hard when she started going to private school across the fence (literally we met at the fence to talk during recess), but fences - not even states - could break up our friendship. Brittany and I have been friends for over 15 years, and even though it's much more challenging to keep up with each other nowadays, every time we do, we go right back to where we left off.

This leads me to Erica. From summer swim team, to high school cheer, I've done everything with this girl- from bike rides around SR to skiing in Wintergreen (or winnah-grain). We were with each other through the awkward middle school phases and emo rock stages (nothing like sum 41 to pump you up for a swim meet!). Although we didn't go to college together, we ended up in the same sorority (AOT!) and that definitely was not a coincidence.

And then there's Abby. The other one who's been with me since middle school- pool days, prom, countless sleepovers, powderpuff, hs soccer, swim team, shopping trips, birthdays, the list goes on. She's a friend you can depend on, will always stick up for you, and will always be there for you- even when you're family moves halfway across the country and you need a ride to the airport :)

Elly. I can't imagine college without her. What began as an initial bond through sisterhood, turned into a much deeper, richer friendship rooted in faith. Elly is so creative, caring, and thoughtful, but what's so incredible to me is her selflessness. She is the first to put herself aside and rush to the aid of a friend in need, or do something like secretly hide in the bushes to snap pictures of your proposal. I have been blessed with such an incredible friendship with this girl, and all I know is we better live close to each other in the future.. or else :)

Esther. The eldest of Isaac's sisters. Esther has embraced me with open arms since the beginning of me and Isaac's relationship, and that is just a small testament of her character. She's an incredible teacher, so strong in her faith, not to mention a graduate of the University of Virginia (go 'Hoos!), and I feel so fortunate to have her as a (soon-to-be) older sister :).

Naomi is the second eldest of Isaac's siblings, and when I first met her, I remember I couldn't be more excited for her interest in baking. Since then, she and I have baked numerous times together and swapped some recipes. Naomi is dedicated to her work as a lawyer in DC, and has been so warm and loving with welcoming me into the family. I'm so excited to have her as a future sister! :)

(Naomi, Hannah, & Esther!)

Then there's Hannah. Hannah is Isaac's third sister, and second youngest in the fam. Sadly, I didn't get to meet Hannah until Isaac's graduation because she lives in Portland, but she has always made me feel so welcome and part of the family since even before meeting her in person. Hannah is an incredibly talented singer, and also a graduate from UVA (gotta just love that school). Her bubbly personality, paired with her caring heart can make anyone feel so comfortable, and I can't wait until we're related! :)

And finally, my maid of honor :) I don't know where to start with Katelynn. I guess with the fact that she's my sister - in every way as my mom says, haha. Katelynn has been my role model since I was crawling after her in diapers. She's always been two steps ahead of me, showing me what's "cool", what to expect down the road ahead, and how to get through life. I am so blessed to be able to call my sister my best friend. She has shared so much with me - soccer, Kappa Delta, UVA, a love for teaching, even a trundle bed back in the day. I love you, Kate!

And there you have it. My 8 bridesmaids. Agh writing about them all makes me realize how wonderful each and every one of them are, and how I am surrounded by such incredible, irreplaceable, loving people! :)

Now onto how I asked them to be my bridesmaids. I knew from the beginning I wanted to incorporate baking somehow, and then I came across "wedding"-themed cookie cutters at the craft store... it was a sign!

I used the sugar cookie recipe I usually make christmas sugar cookies with, changed up the icing by making it a little thicker (more powdered sugar and less milk), and used food coloring/sprinkles to decorate!

Sending these cookies off to their various locations (or states) made me realize how everyone's coming from all parts of the country- from the west to east coast- and I am just oh so excited for June when these lovely ladies will all be there, supporting and celebrating with me and Isaac :)

More pictures below :)

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